Looking for a space sim

Bought a Saitek x45 off ebay recently for really cheap, and I am now looking for a game to go with it. I want the a space exploration game. I was looking at elite dangerous and eve online. Kinda got turned off by the price of EVE (with the subscription plan) and the not great reviews of Elite Dangerous on steam. Any suggestions?

have you seen looked at starcitizen?

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I have looked into star citizen and have high hopes for it(I think it's possible). It's just that I would like a game that is already out and done. I actually borrowed your ship a while back and tried the game out. I also cannot get the x45 working properly with it.

The support for the x45 is lacking in most games, you have to set it up under general joystick. At least that's how it was for me with the x45 and E:D . No issues with the x52 though. I'd say that mostly comes down to driver support, which officially isn't there for the x45, although you can get it to work on windows 7/8 it's a bit fiddly.

As far as E:D is concerned, it's a pretty good game, with the horizons expansion you can even go on planets and actually explore them from what I know.

For a retro feel, look at privateer gemini gold. Google it its free.

Starmade is also neat.

Elite Dangerous is fun to those who are appealed by it. People who I know were like "eh why net" all call it a stupid game. If you have an interest in it, you'll like it.

Elite Dangerous is like truck simulator in space with lasers and weird AIs
the flight control is best ive seen in space games
and im using mouse and kb so eh

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Cheers for all the responses. I think I'll try out elite dangerous good day to all

Privateer 2: The Darkening. I think it's on GoG, and comes with Dosbox.

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Elite Dangerous is awesome with a flight stick, I highly recommend it.

Have a look at this if you want cheap head tracking as well, The game really benefits from it.

There's a relatively active community here on the forums for Elite Dangerous, so it would be a good place to start.

Also just for reference, check out these threads - has most of the active players as well for Elite.



So, due to popular suggestion I invested in elite dangerous. So I've played about an hour and a half, and it's what I'm looking for. I imagine it's much better to play with other people though. The training missions were very empty.

I think there are a lot of other dangerous players here.... search the forum. I think there are recruitment threads already.

might be worth it to look into rodina. not sure if there is flight stick support but might be worth a look

Just to throw in something different: Space Engineers. Certainly more build focused, but it also makes the experience more customisable. And a recent(ish) update has added planets and ai pirate factions and stuff and the available mods for this game are virtually endless, so you can pretty much make it into whatever you want. Not too much in terms of multiplayer from what I've seen, unless you've got some mates who also have it. But definitely a game to consider, I'd say.

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Mine may not be the same as everyone elses' choice, but I've been playing Rebel Galaxy as of late. Though it's not as in depth as Elite Dangerous. It's been something to hold me off till I get a flight stick for Elite Dangerous.

Looking forward to No Man's Sky this summer!

Jesus really? ED is empty as F... And No man's sky looks even emptier...