Looking for a router OS that's easy to use

I have a dedicated machine to use as a router, I really want to use Debian or a Debian derivative as it’s what I’m used to using.

There doesn’t seem to be much out there unless I roll my own, but I cannot get my head around dnsmasq or isc-dhcp-server.

I cannot flash *WRT onto my router as it doesn’t support it, plus it goes against the TOS / not my equipment (significant others contract).

I have a few requirements, it’s to act as a NAS, as well as be a test bed for network booting ( hence my frustrations with dhcp ), as well as the usual slew of services Linux does best.

The machine itself is old, it’s a P4HT (64 bit capable) with 2 gig of RAM (the most the board will accept), so virtualization is out of the question.

Any ideas or help with making isc-dhcp-server easier to understand (it’s a literal wall of options in Webmin!)

Guides out there don’t seem to make much sense at the moment.

Have a look at IPFire


Pfsense and VyOS are pretty decent as well

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I've settled on Zentyal, it's doing just fine on an Ubuntu server 14.04 install. The webui does what I need it to do, thanks for the suggestions though!

Your requirements paint you into a bit of a corner.

IPFire is probably your best bet. It installs as a linux package, as opposed to something like pfSense which is it's whole distro.

Plus you want to do things like file server and net boot (PXE)... so you are pretty much constrained there.

Bit of a late reply, moving house in a hurry as I've found out I'm soon to be a dad kinda makes computer tinkering time a bit limited!

I've managed to do all I need with Zentyal, it's somewhat clunky, but the WebUI works well, and it works as I expect.

I was looking at IPFire, but once I installed Zentyal and saw what it could do, I didn't see the need to try anything else. However, thank you for your suggestion, I might try it in the future!