Looking for a reasonable asking price for my laptop

not putting this in BST because this is not a sale thread

I'm going to quakecon this year and after my experience with flying an ITX rig to LAN Syndicate...

I'll let joker say it

Anywho, since my X1 Carbon is just an ultrabook, its completely incapable of playing the games I plan on playing at Quakecon

So I'm not using this thread to sell the my X1 Carbon, but looking for what its worth

Bottom tier i5-5200U
Top tier touchscreen, 1440p 10 point multi touch
Bottom tier 128GB ssd
fingerprint reader
Win 10 Home

  • $400
  • $500
  • $600
  • $700
  • $800
  • $900
  • $1000+ (I got it brand new at 1500+)


Choose up to 3 options

Votes are public.

TL;DR, selling Gen 3 Lenovo X1 Carbon, but not yet