Looking for a Project Manager/Task Manager for Linux

I'm looking for a NON-web based Project/Task-Management tool for Linux that is freedom and privacy-respecting.
Has to be locally installed and has to be relatively easy to use. Don't want anyone else seeing, viewing, reading, sharing etc. my tasks.

Any ideas?


Desktop application or web based that you can run locally?

A desktop application.

Ah, your options went from dozens to maybe 2.

  • gnome-todo
  • emacs org-mode

Both will do tasks, org-mode will do more.

I don't know of anything else that's up to date.

The reason I asked about web based is there's a lot of web based fully featured project management software out there, mainly because the free software community needs something for project management. so there's a few good options you could have installed and ran locally.

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Have a look at https://freeter.io
Pretty nifty project management system

I went with org-mode.
Quite confusing for now but I am eager to learn Emacs better.

It's quite powerful, all plain text, I don't use it too much atm but have in the past. You can if you want sync/copy the files to your phone if its android theres a couple of apps for it.

Ok, this is like nothing you'll have used before, and it's only really good for multi-person projects, but...


It's all driven by text files, which takes some work and getting used to, but that works really well if you're a coder anyway. You can revision control the plan, and things like that. I'm currently running a 6 person project with it, and find it's way better than Microsoft project. The plan doesn't stays alive and doesn't freeze at the start of the project.

Depends what you're wanting to manage.

Looks cool but is probably too feature rich for me. I mostly need a scheduler/to-do list.

I know a lot of people don't like it but I still use Evolution for Mail, Calendaring and to-do lists. It's got tasks and memos and you can create a task directly from an Email.