My current (wireless) mouse is starting to have more and more issues dieing and generally just being not quite reliable enough, so I'm looking for a mouse ideally similar to it but wired. Problem I'm having is that it's a rather uncommon form factor.
What I want
- small, for fingertip grip/ weird half palm grip
- be able to keep my palm on the desktop
- cheaper the better, $60 is really more than I'd like to spend
- 2 left side buttons
- no acceleration and all that nice "gaming" stuff
- dpi irrelevant, will be used at 800 or closest
Mice that seem acceptable
- Cooler Master Xornet/Spawn; $35; shape looks like it might need to be palmed
- Logitech G9X; $60ish; will be old, most expensive, but seems to be well loved across the web
- Razer Orochi; $30-45; not sure if the right side buttons will get in the way, but smallest
Current mouse (like I said I'd be happy with this exact mouse wired)
- Rough size(in.): 3.50x2.10x1.24
- Mouse(wrong mouse, same shell)
- (ingame) Grip pics: