hey i are need of a little help im looking for a new gpu from my old msi r9 290 have a 2560*1440 freesync monitor it shall play Triple a games by strong settings have read that the 390x beat the fury in some instance anyways so little unsure what to get etc hope you can help me
Like VXAce says, these are more than capable of 1440p and even 4k. Plus you get FreeSync as well.
If your case can't support it, and you have the budget, the Fury X is actually really awesome. It doesn't matter which version you go for, seeing as all the after market ones are the same board as the factory ones.
r9 390x beats fury in some points and its cheaper like 175$ in my country but dunno if the fury wil shine later on just dont want to reget the buy :) no matter what i buy =)