I'm having issues with my current PC. I bought it from a local company about 3 years ago and it just never seemed to perform. Before that I built all of my own systems, but hardware moves so quickly that I'm way behind on what is the latest and greatest. I'm looking for some advice to get the best bang for my buck.
A few months ago my video card died on my current PC so I was able to replace it with an EVGA 570 GTX HD. Using this video card I tried to build a PC (link below) and my goal is to keep it under $600 and to get around 60+ fps for CSGO and Battlefield 3. Hopefully it will also be able to run Battlefield 4 with a decent fps rate.
I'm a little flexible in price and I'm willing to get a new video card if needed. I've also got hard drives and an optical drive I can steal from my current system. I'm not a fan of overclocking, but willing to try it again. Let me know if this is even doable at this price or if my expectations need to be adjusted.