Looking for a new Gaming Headset

I've had a Logitech G35 for a few years, and I haven't had any problems with it before, but the right speaker has started to emit weird fizzling sounds every once in a while. While this is *okay* and I can get past it it, I would like to be aware of potential upgrades. If the audiophiles of the community could suggest a headset with a mic that is okay for music and good games and is under $175, I would appreciate it.

TL;DR: Gaming headset w/ microphone. Okay for music. Under $175



Please watch the 'Make your Gaming Headset' videos made by Tek Syndicate. It should help you solve your problems.

Make your own for $50 or less

Make your own for $150 or less


Those videos are really good, and personally if you muusstt go for a traditional headset I would recommend the HyperX Cloud. Or you could wait a little bit and get the HyperX Cloud 2 that comes out soon.

Thanks Orthonox and Tasmainia. I had completely forgotten about those videos, even though they are quite recent, perhaps CES had just grabbed my attention too much.


No problem. We are one big happy family in this community.