Looking for a New Case

Hey guys, I'm looking to replace my HAF-X because it was really never my ideal case in the first place. Originally I wanted an Antec 1200 just because I liked the look, but there were some space limitations that I didn't like (namely cable management and the fact that I would have to jury rig my H100 to fit it in there). Now I'm looking for something that fits my style a little bit more and also something that is very functional and doesn't collect tons of dust (in other words I need something more suited for positive pressure fan configurations).

I've been out of the hardware game for a while now, and I was wondering what you guys could suggest. I was thinking about getting a Corsair 900D for quite a long time, but I've decided that might be a little too big and would only make me want to spend tons more money on other parts or maybe even a brand new build which isn't necessary for me right now. That being said, I was thinking about getting an NZXT Switch 810, but no one seems to have them in black except for a couple of stores in the UK (I live in the US), which sell the case for the same price as a 900D anyway once you convert pounds to dollars.

The size of the case doesn't matter to me as long as it is functional. As far as the style goes, I'm looking for something either more sleek and flashy or something more professional. To illustrate that a little more for you, I'm looking for something more akin to a Ferrari or Lamborghini (sleek/flashy) or something more like a BMW or Mercedes (professional). Sorry for the car reference if you're not into that. What I mean is something either like a Cosmos, Antec 1200, or Define R4. I'm really trying to stay away from the industrial look, so most Cooler Master cases are probably a no-go.

As far as functionality goes, I want something with at least three ODD drive mounts, ample room for hard drives, space to install a 360mm radiator with possible expansion for smaller radiators, great cable management, and at least 3-4 120mm fan mounts to use as intakes (front and bottom mounted). Easy to remove dust filters would also be a huge plus, and a good sized side panel window would be preferred as well. I'm looking to spend around $150.00, but I might go up to $200.00 if the case is right.

Can anyone suggest anything for me?

This one look's great for what your specifying


Define R4 in any color, 800D (not a fan of the 900D), or a 550D. 

Yeah, I was looking at the Switch 810. I just really wish I could find one in black. I'm not sure about the white, and I definitely don't like the gunmetal.

I'm not a fan of the 800D. It doesn't have enough airflow, and it definitely doesn't promote positive pressure. That's why I like the 900D so much. I'm not a huge fan of the lower tiered obsidian series either. I'd probably be better off getting something like a 600T or 500R as far as Corsair goes, but they still don't really live up to my expectations.

The Define R4 is definitely a nice case, but I'm trying to avoid anything with a front door because I have an infrared receiver from Antec that allows me to use a remote with my computer, and it has knobs on the front. The Define R4 door would definitely block it.

I was looking at the NZXT Phantom 630, because it is very similar to the Switch 810. The only problem is the door on the front. I'm not sure if the door will be able to close because of the knobs on the front of the IR receiver, and I would have to open it to actually use the remote which is a little inconvenient.

I am starting to look at the Fractal Design Arc XL though. I think something like that would work very well. Although, I would like to see another fan mount in the bottom of the case, and I'm really hoping my Corsair AX1200 psu won't cover up the first one. That's going to take a little more research on my part though.

If you want to air cool, my best suggestion would be the Silverstone FT02, seriously the ultimate air cooled case.

Well I'm looking for a case that is expandable for water cooling in the future, and I am going to be using an All-in-one water cooling kit for right now, so I need a case that will work with that.

I'm starting to think the Cooler Master Storm Trooper might suit my needs for now. I can flip the drive cages around so the fans will be pulling air in from the front, and I can take out that little tool box at the bottom and mount two fans down there instead. I'll mount the AIO water cooler in the top, and it looks like they finally came out with a model that has a window in the side panel. My only real concern with it is cable management for the hard drives, but I should be able to tidy that up somehow...hopefully.

I'm still open to suggestions though. What do you guys think?

My vote goes to the Define R4, its just soo beautiful and quiet. Just how i like my women lol,, but the Cooler Master Storm Trooper is an awesome case as well with a lot of expansion

You cannot mount a 360 rad in the Define R4.

Apart from what others have suggested, I can point out the the Fractal Design Arc MINI R2, it can fit a 360 on top and it's designed for mATX boards. Strangely enough, the Arc Midi R2 cannot fit a 360 in the roof.

what about the 450d

there relatively cheap, cable management is awesome and there are three different spots in the case for the h100

The define r4 is nice, but I'm trying to avoid doors, so I'd probably go with an Arc XL if I was going fractal. 

Sounds cool, but I need something for an ATX board. 

The 450D actually looks pretty impressive for a smaller mid tower. I'm going to have to check it out a little more. 

Its a pretty epic wee case. It'll be the one I'm getting next


After checking it out, it looked perfect, but it makes a few compromises I don't like. The main one being that there isn't a dust filter covering the bottom intake mounts which makes no sense to me. I think the trooper is really going to work the best, and I like the styling better anyway. 

...? I don't quite follow...what's wrong with the fan filters?

The ironic part is that I'm getting a CM Storm Trooper for a 15 drive NAS build...it's pretty solid...

The bottom two mounts just don't have any filters which leaves me scratching my head, because if you're going to run intake fans at the bottom of the case, that is exactly where you would want fan filters the most. There were a couple of other little things that bothered me too, but I can't recall them right now. I just think the trooper is more well rounded. The only thing that could really make it better is if there was enough space for a 360mm radiator in the top. Right now though, I don't really know when I'll be able to go real water cooling anyway, so that's not a huge deal for right now. The pros outweigh the cons with the trooper. Ideally, I'd rather have a black NZXT Switch 810, but apparently those don't exist anymore. 

hm...I could of sworn that the black 810 was still being made (maybe it's out of stock because it's so popular?)


you could look at the H630 from nzxt...looks kinda similar?