Looking For A Great Portable Battery

So i finally activated my phone since i disconnected Home Phone since it’s not worth the money, And i am searching for a few things to make my life easier in the short and long term, One of which is a Portable Battery, And i am looking for a great one that charges quickly, Has a Huge Capacity ( Starting at 10KmAh ) and also cost effective, I would like to save as much money as possible without buying a poor product, So i am turning to the community on this one. Any suggestions?

i have this one

Thank you for the link, I hope others can find the same size in mAh or higher for a good price :D

It's unavailable unfortuantly, but I've used this one since Febuary, and hasn't hiccuped at all.

no problem. my wife has one of the 6500mah variants. there is also a 10.5k version as well but is only 2 dollars cheaper...i can dig in my couch and find two bucks to afford the extra 2.5k mah

13000mAh, That would charge my phone 3 times.

I was looking for a good 15K one or even higher, something i won't have to charge TOO often.