Looking for a good KVM, not sure if one of the Level 1 Techs will work for my use case

I need a good KVM to switch between my work laptop and home PC.

I have 1 monitor (ultrawide 1440p 75Hz), a wired USB keyboard, wireless USB mouse (Logitech G602), wireless USB headset (HyperX Cloud Flight), and a wired USB webcam that I would like to share between those 2 machines.

The laptop is a Dell Precision 5530 and supports DisplayPort+USB over USB-C. The home PC is a Ryzen 7 5800X with Radeon RX 6900XT. Unfortunately that card doesn’t have a USB-C out, only DP 1.4 and HDMI out. I’m not sure if “USBc KVM Switch v2” will work for me because of this.

Get a thunderbolt dock and use the display port version. That’s been a good experience for me.

I’m running 3840x1600@75 on my display port kvm. It works great as long as you keep the run under 4m and use good cables.

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The display port version is out of my budget range. Would something like a Belkin Charge and Sync cable for Huawei VR Glass work for me though?

It all depends on your use case. KVM’s are nice and one button, but I had an Ultrawide with multiple inputs that I wanted to do, and this was a few years ago before I knew about Wendell’s KVM’s.

I bought these two things
USB switcher that can feed 2 computers.
USB Hub.

Now when I switch, I have to switch inputs on the monitor, and press a button on the USB switcher, it works for my server and My work computer. I sometimes have problems with linux recongnizing the MIc on switchover, but its fixed by plugging in and out, or doing the switch back again.

Now the level1 KVM switches are great, have nice shortcuts, does everything in the box, and are awesome, but its possible to go low tech as well,

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I used to have that exact model of USB3 switch, and it died within 6 months of purchase. It went from intermittently not recognizing stuff plugged into its USB ports, to then refusing to switch at all. I had to go back to my 7 year-old Iogear USB2 switch which is also starting to flake out now.

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