Looking for a front end framework

I’ve been writing back-end for a long time and I like to think I’m pretty proficient with PHP. This project is to replace a 90’s era M$ Access portal from a company we bought, so while I’d really like to really spend time and get something good working the urgency of the scenario is paramount.

That said, I’m looking for something relatively simple resource-wise for front end development. I’ve been dicking with Bootstrap, but jquery is getting slow and I’m not happy with the page load times. Anyone have decent suggestions? I’m not much of a front-end coder, but it’s something we’ll need so I’m learning.

I’m a big fan of bootstrap but it can be quite heavy depending on what you’re doing. You can customize the installation iirc but if you don’t need most of it, might not be worth it.

I have been playing with the Bulma Framework: https://bulma.io/. It’s a sort of simplified bootstrap without all the bells and whistles. Might be worth looking into for your use case.

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I’ve been dabbling with UIkit lately, seems to be really good for my use case.

Check out web components or more specifically Polymer.


The community behind it is great, there is tons of content on the web to help get started. Plus people have already built a bunch of components (https://www.webcomponents.org/) so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.


like reactjs, but quite a bit simplified. very nice.

I’m a huge fan of Vue.Js in its webpack environment. It plays really nice with things like bootstrap and materialize, and if you want, the vue community makes all sorts of really neat perfectly integrated libraries for Vue. I just can’t recommend it enough :slight_smile:

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