Looking for a flat table

A table is a pice of hardware, right? I don't know where else to ask this (other than furniture forums)

So I'm having a lot of problems with the current desk I have. The reason is that it's too high (about an inch too high) and it's small anyway for multi-screen setups (have mine currently in an awkward config.) So, I'm looking for a table that does not have keyboard drawers or any of this stuff. I just need something that's flat and is between 26-27 inches in height. Googling churned lamps and other nonsense, so I was wondering if anyone here would have any advice to give.


Would you be able to Build one ? that seems like the best answer for it to fit your specific needs, i know im building my own soon & am soundproofing underneath it where my Tower will go.

Here is an extremely overkill high tech desk you could get.

probably too expensive, though. haha. Try walmart? (I know. Walmart.) They seem to have at least SOME furniture.