Looking to find a dvd or Blu-ray multi disc player that is not an absurd price. Does anyone know of dvd specific ones perhaps that might be second hand, or know of which one people had the most success with. A player with as few as five slots would be enough, but I wouldn’t be against one of those 400 disc ones if it was affordable.
Any insight on these and there feasibility would be appreciated. Thank you
You literally have to go to the Japanese market to find something for Blu-ray, like a 5-disc BD player. It went out of style after DVD and is just a dinosaur of an idea nowadays. Sony has a 400 disc mega changer BD player, but that’s stupidly expensive.
If you were only searching for DVD ones, Pioneer, Philips and many other manufacturers made them.
Been doing some searching online tonight. I have had little success. I found a dvd/blu ray changer on amazon…but for 1500 bucks. And anything that is less than that is old and will only do 720p or 1080i