Looking for a 7970

I am looking into getting a HD7970, for gaming and mining, and would like to know which is a good and "quiet" brand for 7970s is. Sadly I can not find any ROG 7970 Matrixs or MSI 7970 Lightnings that where reasonably priced. Suggestions please

If you have the space, go for the ASUS DirectCU2


Otherwise, there is the Gigabyte WindForce


Are they ref pcb?

neither are.

I might grab the Asus then. I really want the ROG, but I can't even find one on ebay

Might be able to get a ROG 7970 for $500. YES!!!!

I really love Asus gear, especially ROG! Definatly go for the ROG one if possible, if not Direct CUII!

They are so rare to find either of them for 600 USD new. :/

the ROG MATRIX 7970 is basical the same thing as the DirectCU2 just with more overclocking features and better componantry, believe me i have it, its a very solid graphics card

I bought a 7970 two weeks ago. I found this article helpful because it included several 7970's I was considering. It has sound comparisons too. The lightning has been out of stock everywhere for a while. Some people are charging insane prices on them because they are the only ones available.

I got mine for $450 (AUD)

The Matrix has terrible QC, and is not nearly as good as the standard DCII 7970. Stay away from them.

Might have snagged a Matrix Platinum

good job mate, they are very good cards that have a lot of power behind them, i have mine OC's to 1.350 Ghz and its getting fairly decent temps running at about 45 degrees idle and 75 at full 

Sadly I did not get the Matrix, but grabbed the normal asus 7970


That will be fine the direct cu ii coolers are excellent. Nice overclocking room on 7950 and I'd assume the same applies for 7970.