im looking at building a minecraft server. it needs to be able to have 10 to 20 people on it. ill be running a feed the beast server to start but i hope to run 2 or three minecraft servers later. it will be on and used 24/7. im going to try to run windows server on it.
OK please do not take offense to this I am trying to help you not destroy your self confidence.
You are spending too much money. The server does not do all of the rendering most of the rendering is split between the clients and the server so when new chunks are found the user and server work together to render them. Also a xeon is cool when talking about it but will be way too overkill and you are going more for bling than anything. I think you should get an fx 8320e CPU and 16 gig's of ram and a decent power supply and a cheap ssd to boot from and a large spinning rust drive for data storage. Also you DO NOT WANT WINDOWS SERVER IF YOU WANT 24/7 sorry for caps but like windows 10 it will force updates and needs to auto restart without warning. You might not like this but my suggestion is get Ubuntu for free slap Java on there(which runs faster in most cases) and run your server from there the experience is still a friendly easy desktop if you want it to be and your computer will never restart or shutoff unless you do it.
I got the system I described to you for well under $220 and I use it as a home server for my vnc clients and it works great I can host 10 people per system and vnc is a lot heavier than Minecraft.
I am trying to help save you money and a headache please don't look at this as negative I would love to play and live stream with you some time and I would also like to help you if you need it.
Minecraft is super single thread reliant and the loading works way better off of an ssd, so I can understand why he's doing it especially if he has the money to burn. He also has tons of room to grow / use the server for other things. The FX platform is a great server platform, but for minecraft, the single core kills.
no offense taken good sir. thanks for the reply! :)
i have never used linux but i can definitely try.
as far as spec's i wanted to go with xeon so i could get ecc ram. im looking for a reliable platform to build off of. For me this was a reasonable price to pay for my first server. i wasn't looking to build a budget server.
im not sure how much performance running multiple mine craft servers will use. but if there is any extra performance there i plan on adding more servers. im looking a 3 year server for my friends and me.
i definitely take you up on the gaming and help, i really dont know anything about linix. :)
My workplace has a 24/7 server, and it uses windows server 2008. Yes it has a lot of updates it wants to do, but it won't restart automatically. And even windows 10 you can turn off updates in the services.
Don't build and host your own, choose a VPS provider. Building your own opens you up to attacks, security breaches, etc that would be worth the money to not have to deal with.
If you want to make and open your own server of for nothing else but to learn than by all means do so you will also have a machine to play around with in the future when you learn more about computers and start tinkering. I suggest building a distributive cluster style system where you have identical work horse machines and you machine with haproxy on it. Basically you can run a whole load a program. Which are automatically distributed on other computers and haproxy balances the work load. I do still suggest Linux because it's is more secure than windows (hundreds of times more) and if you are putting it on the public internet without a dedicated firewall windows will be broken into and your network and data will be meddled with.
Allows users to connect to one central computer that hosts game software that all other players can use. If you completed the server installation correctly, your friend should now be able to connect to your Minecraft server.