Lookin for Corsair Powersupply name

I'm pretty sure its the RM series thanks guys. That means this is solved :)




Ok so there was an power supply from Corsair i saw ~2 months ago on both tek syndicate and linustechtips. 

If i remember right, alteast one of them had a 1000W one for view. The thing about this psu is that the fan didnt start running before it was X% load. also i -think- it was gold certified.

- Question about when the fan starts running: say if the fan starts at 50% load - and i get a 1200W psu, will the fan start spinning at 600W then? 
while if i get a 750W psu it will start spinning at 375W useage? This doesnt make sense to me but i dont understand fully how it will work so hope you can clear this up with me. 

Trying to find out what the name of it.

Oh! Also, If we find out what psu this is - will it fit in an define r4?

Im buying one of these Unless you have a better suggestion for psu for me.

I need a Silent&solid psu at atleast 750W. Should also be as future proof as possible, most of them high-end ones are anyway.

i have no limit on how much to spend on it so fire on with suggestions


off the top of my head, it was the ax1000 :/ but i dont really know

Sounds like the RM series 

Think its the RM series too, as far as im aware its only the RM series that has a fan that only kicks in at % load, i think the others always spin but have profiles on the speed. (i may be wrong)

+1 on RM series.