Lookin for case modding tips and opinions

so currently i have a antec 300 illusion, and ive been thinkin about getting a new case, however my brain is fighting back and now im thinking about just modding the case for wat i want, 

Case link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=11-129-066&SortField=1&SummaryType=0&Pagesize=10&PurchaseMark=&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&VendorMark=&IsFeedbackTab=true&Keywords=ATX&Page=1#scrollFullInfo


Currently wat im thinking of doing is the following:

paint inside and outside (except front panel and bay covers) black and painting the front fan grill (itsremovable) red


swapping all the fans for red LED ones and adding dust filter to side one


adding window to the side with 120mm fan (or two) cut out, lookin at this one: http://www.frozencpu.com/products/9042/asw-36/DIY_Window_Kit_-_Full_LAG_Window_w_2_x_120mm_Horizontal_Blow_Holes_1801_x_1535.html?tl=g42c355 

but i may have to end up cutting the window down a little so i dont think size will be a problem


cutting wire routing holes around the side and bottom of the motherboard


Future mods that im not 100% sold on yet:

cutting bottom hole with filter for psu to be put upsidedown

adding taller feet to the bottom of the case



i plan to do the cutting with a two speed dremel