Look what I found in my dads old computer stuff!

It's an old OMNIKEY101 by Northgate.

The keyboard isn't in too bad of shape. All 100% of the keys work, it just needs a little love and hot water. That and the back PS2 port is busted. Fixable though. It's gluing now.


I think these are macro settings right?

This keyboard pre-dates the windows button!

The switches themselves are White Alps Switches. Here are some MX blues & reds for comparison.


 Maybe this is worth something?

 The PS2 port is broken on the inside since the cable was forced in. This broken some retaining plastic. Nothing a little glue can't fix.





If i can find a male-male PS2 cable for cheap i'll be using this keyboard in my build over the Asus Slim.

Does this have somewhat of a Model M feel to it?

The model M has the Buckling Springs. Which is very different from the alps. I would compare the alps white to the blues for feel. But the pressure curve is different between them. and the actuation point is different. other wise blue and alps white are both clicky. NOT in a buckling way.

Alps are grodey, but antique Alps are cool :)

would you consider this antique? :)

Yeah, it's kick ass :)


This makes me wonder if one day someone will find my spare Gigabyte keyboard:

"Wow! A membrane keyboard"

"look at all the rubber! Seems quiet.. and convenient"

I gave the keys a hot water bath with some dish soap. Then i wiped  them off with a dry rag and let them dry out some more. IT'S CLEAN!

Now I have to go to my moms..You just reminded me of an old console..I want to know what it is cant find it on the internets..also may dig out a couple of my 2600s..The systems i was playing when everyone else had a nintendo..