LOL PC Race Vs. Console Peasant and

HAHAHAHA, Pc master race "Is an online forum"??? while that's true, that's not "what it is"!

Their will never be peace! You can not stop us!

In all seriousness though, on the first video, they all said "installing" the game was an issue(con).........? Wait What, have I missed something? I have never seen anyone try to install something at 9am and not get to play with 1030pm.

Well not Everyone has Fast internet, some of us are lucky to have it.

And For example, Games like Call of Duty (If you enjoy that), Battlefield and Assassin's Creed are almost 30+GB. people on slow ass internet aren't going to download that in 20 minutes. It's in between being a Con and not. It depends on how fast your internet speed is. If you have it fast you obviously wont see that as a con. But someone with slow ass internet may complain why the hell is this game 30+ Gigabytes. But then again console players can't complain, I believe on Xbone and PS4 they have to install their games as well as massive as they are, so i don't really think they have any right to talk.

And Also if they download the game instead of the disc (if that is possible on AAA Titles for Consoles?) Same thing go for consoles,having to wait to download.

I hope I don't tick anyone off but it seems like to me people who have tried PC gaming and went to consoles is because they have a slight bit of "Tech Illiteracy". Sometimes yes, PC's do screw up and you have to fix them, or software errors get thrown but they fail to mention or remember, PC's aren't just for gaming, you can do TONS of stuff with a PC.

Then again I'm kinda putting my own foot in my mouf because theoretically, a Console IS a PC just with a different operating system, and lower hardware specs.


That's like asking a Geo Metro to run a F1 race, while it could "race" so to speak, it's not the tool for the job.


Actually quite the opposite. Console players who have tried PC Gaming, and don't wish to stick with it cause they refuse to learn not cause they are "Technologically Illiterate". For example, I have a Close friend his Job is to Fix and Diagnose Phones for a Living, He games on Xbox One. He Continues to joke around with me saying I've spent thousands of Dollars on my PC, which i really didn't. $1200 is Fairly Reasonable for a high-end gaming PC. but to keep a long story short. I continue to make-fun of him because he Bought an Xbox one on Launch Day. Hasn't even had it for a Few Months, and Just recently bought the Advanced Warfare Xbox One Edition, JUST so he can have a 1TB hard Drive. And I've had my PC for 2 and a Half Years, i Just RECENTLY got rid of my GTX 770 for a 290.

And Yes if you buy a Digital Copy of an Xbox Game on the Store you have to download "ALL those Gigabytes".

And see that's the problem, with anything we (people) talk about, "There are always exceptions to the rule", or "the majority of what people are doing".

And who even knows how many people are just reading online comments never commenting a single their stories could be wayyyyyy different than anything we've ever heard....

I don't get what's so hard to get..

PC: Better graphics and modability.

Consoles: Ease of use and will work consistently and always.

"will work consistently and always." Tell that to the all the Xbox 360 users who had the RROD or the PS4 users who had the YLOD. Or how about the people who bought xbox ones with broken disk drives. OR the PS4 users with broken HDMI ports. Consoles fail crash as often as Computers do. And there ease of use is debatable.

I knew someone would point that out. It's hard to explain but basically that only happened to the original consoles when they first released and if it ever did happen they'd send you a knew console and tbh PCS fail more because they have a bunch particularly chosen parts that aren't designed to be with any particular other part and hard to recognise the faults. It's just like when Nvidia or AMD release a new GPU, they don;t work properly because they shit them out the door so early so you may as well wait 2 or 3 months before buying it because it won't work that great until then

Plus, it's still a much more consistent experience than any PC. Want to play any game? Sure just pop the disk in and play it for the next 10,000 hours. Want to play a game on PC? Sure, as long it's a game that i've already tested for a few hours, have gotten set up, sorted out the issues and have downloaded the random code to make it work properly.. Otherwise you can watch me fuck around with the game to get it going for the next few ours unless on the off chance you happen to want to play a well made PC game..

The reason the filthy console peasants think PC's are expensive, unreliable and crash all the time is because they think the only PC is a Dell form PC world or a Alienware PC.  They also think that if they buy PC parts or PC's they have to be branded with "gaming" but of course this is just a trap for people who don't know better.

"Consoles are more reliable than pc's"?! Since when! Did i miss something.  I used to earn money at while I was at university fixing other students 360 consoles. I would fix them then refit it with an appropriate cooling system.  The 360 consoles had a life span, you play on them for long enough they were guaranteed to break and this was the most popular console at the time by far.

Consoles don't run all the same hardware then run whatever company happened to be selling that particular piece of hardware the cheapest and as we all know you don't trust cheap hardware from some company you have never heard of.  This is why you get batches of consoles that just break.

If you think playing games on a console is fast an easy just watch an Achievement Hunter "GO" episode.  Normally the person who wins that is the person who managed to load a game first.  Most of the time is spent watching a loading screen.  In comparison a few days ago I bought a new game KSP.  5 minutes later I was playing it.  Downloading is much much much faster than waiting for a game to come in the post or going to shops.  Or apparently launching a game you own on the xbox one.

Sadly people investing into consoles hurts gaming as a whole as this encourages company's such as Microsoft and Playstation to make exclusivity deals and that are bad for everyone.  So the best reason not to buy a console is not to support the fanboy culture.

You're all on one side of a fence that you've built too high for you to see over. Saddening really.

I have a PC, I also have consoles. I havent bought a game for my xbox 360 since January 2013 however I get it. Its easy to play and if you have friends to play with an easy social enviroment. However one thing urks me. This whole you have to upgrade you PC every few years bullshit. No, If you buy a computer, build it yourself or premade, and it performs on the same level as an xbox one, As long as we dont have companies like Ubishit who gimp the pc version to make it seem like its a step forward graphicly, it will always perform at the same level as the xbox one.

A pc does not lose it teraflops as it ages. I mean it does but in the exact same way as consoles do. Like every device on the planet. an amd fx 6300 anmd R9 270x pc performs like a PS4 and in 10 years, Cross platform games should run the same on both. Not to mention the savings... In a year on consoles, I would spend a good $700-$900 oin games, points and subscriptions. I may have bought 5 or 6 games. This year, I have spent maybe $300 on games and my game library has increased by about 100 games.

I played 4 player borderlands 2 split screen the other day with 4 friends that came round with my pc.  You can't do this on consoles most you can do is 2 player so in some cases social multiplayer is better on pc's.  Even with my 4 year old £600 PC running 4 copy's of Borderlands 2 at 1080p and at max setting it ran fine with no fps issues. And before someone says this is hard to do I downloaded one program and ran the exe thats it!  It even remembers the profiles for each player.

That is probably the only game that's like that. All the other times it'll be the other way, partly coz the controller incompatibility on most PC games.


I get that having a really awesome PC makes you feel awesome and happy in the inside but some of those PC owners looks down on the people who only have consoles and I just don't get that. PC people are complaining about exclusive games but business gotta make profit so they need exclusive games to entice customer's to pick their product. PC gamers already have a lot of exclusive but they want more but i guess that's human nature for you. Well since most the of the PC gamers have rigs that cost around 4 times to 10 times that of a console why don't you just take the amount that you would normally buy a a GPU for and buy a console to enjoy the exclusive games other than bitching about it. 

I'm a gamer, not a PC gamer or a console gamer, just a gamer. If a certain game is not available on one platform I would get/buy another one just to play that game and support the people or business that made that game possible. I don't see people bitching exclusive games in 3DS or the WiiU. 


FYI: I own a PC rig, PS 1,2,3 PSP, PSvita, GBA, NDS, 3DS and Wii. 



PS. For those people who is thinking of saying that I'm rich or my parents are rich. No we're not rich, me and my brothers saved money and worked hard to buy this stuff (except for the PS1 and GBA we were only kids during those times) so we're able to enjoy this.

if you define yourself by a gadget, whether a computer or a console, then you really should get a life.

Finally some back up up in here hahaha.

192 games on steam are officially multiplayer and controller compatible. 1629 games are fully controller compatible on steam including single player games.  And some games are not officially controller compatible but are such as the Arkham batman games, this brings the total to 3668 games.  That is a big total for the PC already just including steam games.

You can play l4d2 4 player on PC but cant on console.

There's only 7 4 player controller games on steam