Logical consequence of US Situation: Brain Drain!

Everybody seems to run from Google, just as an example, because there is also a serious brain drain from other IT giants, and from other industries and universities as well.

Now Andrew Ng, one of the most influential Google developers, and also head of the AI Lab at Stanford, is now also running from the US and Google, and has managed to secure the position of head of research and chief scientist of the Chinese Google equivalent Baidu.

Some time ago I mentioned on this forum that throughout the course of history, it has always been such that when the scientists leave the country, that has been a clear sign that the country they run from, is about to enter a really dark anti-democratic period with a lot of misery. In Pre-WWII Germany for instance, there has been a systematic brain drain from about 1930, when hugely influential people with good positions, like Von Neumann and Albert Einstein, both of which where key figures in developing the very technology that later brought Germany to its knees and brought huge economic growth and welfare to the Western world, left their home country Germany. Last weekend, Evgney Morosov said a similar thing as what I've been saying for months on this forum in that respect, although without historical comparison: he said that the problem is not the NSA, the NSA will spy on all platforms, because the people vote for spying, and you can't vote for spying, except on the Internet. The real problem according to him is quite correctly Silicon Valley, or the corporatization of the US government. Ever more power is in ever fewer hands, power is concentrated, because politicians doen't want to deal with stuff, they outsource everything to corporations.

Andrew Ng is the man behind Google Brain, and his position as head of the AI Lab at Stanford speaks for itself.

The lead developer of Google Glass left Google a forthnight ago, he didn't leave the country though, but switched to a smaller profile job, working as regular developer for OculusVR in California, just before Google appointed Barbie-marketeer Ivy Ross (as in Barbie from Mattel) as new head of the Google Glass division. She knows nothing about computers basically, but everything about selling Barbies and superhero figurines.

Last month, Google-veteran Vic Gundotra left Google, he was the head of Google+.

The month before, the very important XML-co-inventor and Android development Guru Tim Bray had also left Google, and had some really nice words to spare to describe the situation on his weblog, including answering the question "Is Google not evil" with "I don't think so, but I know a lot of stuff that is not to be made public, so I'll have to be careful about what I say."

And that's just Google.

A lot of things are happening in the US (and the US' lapdogs, the UK and AUS), that point towards the dawn of a very bad period, that will cause a lot of grief all over the world.

November 8, 2016 will be a very important day for the world.

von Neumann left because he was offered a position at Princeton

Einstein left because he was being persecuted by the Nazis (Einstein was Jewish)

Two scientists leaving a country in one short period of time does not really equate to "a clear sign that the country they run from, is about to enter a really dark anti-democratic period with a lot of misery," in my opinion.

von Neumann was being offered many positions. He was also of Jewish descent.

Einstein was smart enough to see what was happening, and to not return to Germany when Hitler came to power in 1933 while Einstein was visiting the US. He was never ever persecuted by any Nazis.

Germany was the place to be before 1933. Oppenheimer (a very wealthy American jew), wrote his most influential scientific work as a student of the University of Göttingen, in Germany, in 1927. Scientists were attracted by Germany until just before Hitler came to power, they left before the persecutions had taken off. The main target of the Nazis at that time was not the Jews, but the Bolsheviks.