Logan's security videos

Hi everyone !

I watched Logan's "internet security" videos, pretty interesting, but i still have a few questions...

First, lots of websites he mentionned are not available (or free). Like OPENDNS i believe... so do you guys have another good free DNS service to recommend ?

And, as far as i understood VPNs and proxys, what's the best ? And, which ones are safe in your opinion ?

Also, something i don't understand : Open DNS... doesn't it sound like your opening your router to... anybody ?

I mean, according to Logan it improves your security to use a open dns service, but isn't it also dangerous ?

I realize these are a lot of noob question, but i'm french (nobody's perfect) and i probably didn't get the entire meaning of video...

thank you !

By useing opendns  you are not opening up your router to anyone. I'm sure they call it "Open" DNS because its open(free) for anyone to use. You could also try OpenNIC. On their website they will automatically recomend the closest DNS to you. And you can also view a list of DNS servers along with the logging practices of each one. I personally don't use any browser based proxy's since they don't offer much security really.  You can use TOR browser bundle for Anon websurfing( its slow) So i don't recomend useing it all the time, but would work ok if theres just a particular site you wanna visit. I remember reading that even Tor has its flaws, something to do with the "exit nodes" and when you exit Tor that the exit node could possible have a record of your ip. Not sure how true that is.And downloading anything through TOR takes entirely too long(dial-up speeds)  As for VPN's there's plenty of them you can pay for... And most of the pay ones offer free versions but all have limitations to the point that they are almost useless. The only good ones that are completely free is Hotspotshield by Anchorfree (Expatsheild) its Uk counterpart. And spotflux. Anchorfree claims to keep no logs. And admits to collecting some data of which none is personally identifiable (heard they were owned by a advertiseing company) so who knows. Spotflux claims to do the same as for data collecting they do will not be personally identifying. aAnd they keep limited to no logs.

well yeah to be honest i'm a little concerned about vpns or proxys keeping some information... to be honest my main concern is p2p exchange... i use bittorrent as client  . don´t know if its the most secure secure of all, but it works fine !


Their ya go. Couple of VPN's that dont keep any logs whatsoever. I use Privateinternetaccess personally. Cheap year price, servers in USA, UK, Switzerland, Netherlands, Canada, Romania, Sweden, France, Germany. You can switch between any server at any time. Im in Canada connected to USA and get 40Mb/s DL and 10Mb/s upload. My isp gives me 50 down and 3 up. So im getting 3x the upload speed with the vpn.

All right ! Thank you i'll check it out !