I am sorry if this has been asked before but is starting to annoy me. By annoy I don't mean hide it in future videos I just would like to know whats happening.
In just about every The Tek I watch Logan's Corsair keyboards blue LEDs are flashing/blinking/twinkling. Is this something the K series keyboards just do all the time, with the keys being slightly raised up on those keyboards and the LEDs being visible from low angles.? Or is it a by-product of the camera that is aimed at it? Or some third factor I have not hit upon yet.
I ask one because it is not normal looking, I am very picky abut things being just so, and because I am looking to buy a mechanical keyboard in the near future. Not necessarily one with LEDs but a lot of them do have them as standard.
If it is the keyboards fault is it something all of them with LEDs would do?
I think is the camera aimed at. i have that exact keyboard i don't know if his switches are blue or browns, but its one of those. and my K70 doesn't blink like that. however from far away on my nexus 5 using the camera it appears to be blinking.
This is due to the frame rate of the camra and the pwm pulsing used to controle the brightness. To the human eys they are not blinking, and he mentions this in a review video, just not so technical.
Thanks I was thinking this was the case but I have never seen a K series Keyboard plugged in before. I have played around with them in stores and the like but never a running one plugged into a PC.
K70 led are activated by ac making them blink they adjust the brightnest by changing the current frenquency making them match (multiple of) the camera refresh so u see flasing but i have a rant to do about the video
Corsair - PAX East 2014
video the guy of crosair is so full of himself the reason they came out with red led on brown and blue switch aint cause of request they had to many recall for burnt out led (about 40% of keyboard) the power goes over the led safe reverse curent when u turn off the light and it burn the leds !! it had absolutely no link to user request he so full of himself it aint even funny! ps: sorry for my brocken english it aint my first language