Logan's AT2020 and Windscreen

So I’m trying to find a “deadcat” thingy that’s basically the same as Logan’s. I assume he uses the AT2020, and I will also be purchasing one sometime soon. The problem is, I can’t find that fuzzy thing anywhere. The only one I have found that is reasonably similar is this:
The thing is, I don’t know if it will fit on the AT2020, and I don’t want to buy it if it is just not going to. Can anyone tell me the specific one Logan uses or a similar product? Thanks guys. :smiley:

I think he mentioned it in a video, possibly in The Tek, just don't know which number. But I think he didn't spend too much money on it. Could be wrong though

If it is slightly too big or slips easily you can always stick a rubber band around then open end when it is on the mic. Or a bobbin to blend in better.

You want a deadcat? For an at2020, a desk mic? You going to be taking a setup atop a mountain or something?
He uses a deadcat on the mic he takes out and about. That's a roland R26. They may have got something new since though, not sure.

Source (Skip to 1:44):

He used a deadcat on the at2020, which Pistol uses now - just check one of her stream, she could tell you which one it is