@Logan, Will you please do an Interview with Chris Fisher aka ChrisLAS either on one of his Linux shows (Linux Action Show or Linux Unplugged) or have him on The Tek? ChrisLAS has been expressing an interest in finding a LAN to go to in the State of Washington as Jupiter Broadcasting is based there. In fact, Jupiter Broadcasting should be quite near Tek Syndicate HQ. It would also be a good learning experience for both you and those of us in the Tek Syndicate community to learn from ChrisLAS how he runs his Broadcasting studio on Linux.
Chris Fisher prefers to be contacted via:
Twitter! @ChrisLAS
Here are some of the shows on Jupiter Broadcasting. They might be good shows to try and be a guest on.
- Tech Talk Today
- TechSNAP (SNAP = Systems, Network, and Administration Podcast)
- Linux Action Show
- Linux Unplugged
Some notable hosts are Alan Jude, Chris Fisher, and Noah Chelliah.