Songs for the end of things? I got one:
I dont know what all has happenend yesterday.
But i would say to everyone, please calm down.
Calm down? I mean, the entire forum was taken offline (publicly), Wendell is saying he's leaving because of internal issues, Qain is MIA'ish.If there's ever a reason to be pissed, it's now.
Some people just love drama, and asking them to calm down won't do much.
I'm just chilling until we get some form of public breakdown of events from the Tek Syndicate crew in the next couple days.
Yeah Wendell has said not to go to crazy for the next couple of days
It's not about drama mate. If it weren't for this channel I wouldn't be sitting at work on my computer as a Security Analyst for a bank. I'd still be a correctional officer making less than half of the salary I am making now.
If it wasn't for wendell I'd still be in a shitty job, hating waking up for work and hating myself for not doing what I knew I could achieve.
Tek Syndicate holds a large role in me going back to school in 2012 to continue my education and being successful in my career. I'm pissed about this shit. I know Wendell and Qain can go off and do their own thing but the Tek Syndicate brand is important to me.
Just calm down, like @wendell stated.
This is a staff issue they have to solve as adults.
Trowing oil on the fire isnt going to be helpfull for anyone.
Being pissed off isnt going to make your day any better.
We have to wait and see what this would all mean for the future of this great community.
But one thing is for sure, its not supposed to end this way.
I get that mistery, but we have a reason to have angst over this. I'm not here to cause drama or any of that BS. I just find this whole thing disgusting. I respect the community, Wendell, Qain, the mods, and yourself too much to come on here to shitpost about this. I'm a big time lurker on this forum but I do post occasionally too and have followed this group since like 2011. I care about it, and the community.
I totaly understand that you guys are all angry about the recent happenings.
And you all have your rights to be so.
We all have build up this community together after all.
i also know that your not here to cause any drama at all.
But in the end, the only thing we can do is wait for an official statement from the staff.
Let them solve their issues as adults.
I think that it would be better for now to just continue driving the forum as usual.
This would be the best for now.
And that's totally fine but honestly there's nothing we can do at this point. We're trying to fix what's left of burnt down home right now. (Metaphorically speaking) till further notice the staff is very divided right now and we ourselves are trying to figure it out and what we can do to help.
The blessing out of all of this is even though we may not know each other personally this community is kind of a family and we are all keeping in contact with each other
Any word on when the forum will be back to normal?
Logan said in a few days after the nonsense. But we don't know that for sure. No one really knows at this point
You're completely right.
I'm usually a pretty zen personality with very little anger in me, but this has lit a fire under me the past few hours. But you're completely right.
Well I agree up until a point. I'd rather not put my money toward something I don't support and currently I'm not sure who gets the pateron money.
Actually unless you edit the hosts file on your machine you can't even reach the site. Makes it kinda hard to "Continue on as normal". Hopefully it can be resolved quickly with the least amount of damage possible, however from what I've seen I don't think that's going to happen.
Actually unless you edit the hosts file on your machine you can't even reach the site.
Not anymore. all you have to do is type in the IP address into the Address bar and it will take you straight here.
Any word on when the forum will be back to normal?
Idk yet. :)
We will make Tek Syndicate great again and Linus will pay for it
Actually unless you edit the hosts file on your machine you can't even reach the site. Makes it kinda hard to "Continue on as normal". Hopefully it can be resolved quickly with the least amount of damage possible, however from what I've seen I don't think that's going to happen.
Yeah thats a good point.
The forum isn't reachable because the domain name has taken down.
So it will be hard for users that don't know about all the happenings to reach the forum.
Unfortunately we cannot really do anything about that for now.