I am new to your YouTube series and site so I may have missed this If previously covered. I've seen rants about the i5s and i7s and I am not against them by any means, but what about AMDs FX processors. I had an 8150 and thought it was awesome, especially when over clocked.
Currently decided to upgrade my mobo and SSDs to the sabertooth 990fx and Samsung 840 pros. I had a bad set of mushkin SSDs and my gigabyte board would not matter what I do work in AHCI. I also have really crappy luck with ASUS, so going with ASUS again was a struggle. My new ASUS board was bad, fried my 8150 and in the process of trouble shooting I bought an 8350, fried that as well.
I just see rants about the intels and the A10 (which I know is good, built my dads comp with it) so I guess I was just wondering why I never hear about FX processors?
Here are two links.
You know you can browse through all their videos on YouTube right?
As for frying parts while OCing, that's normally the users fault.
If you are frying an FX-8150 and an FX-8350 you aren't overclocking correctly dude. It's nobody's fault but your own. Not doing enough research before attempting to overclock is garunteed to get your parts destroyed.
I totally agree, but I had a stable 4.4ghz with my 8150 and my gigabyte board prior to this stupid UEFI ASUS. There is just way to much to learn in the new UEFI for me to handle. And no I didnt fry the 8350, I never even managed to boot the 8350, I dont know what is wrong with it, but I cannot boot with my new ASUS or gigabyte board with the 8350 or the now bad 8150. Oh, and I never OverClocked with the ASUS board, it fried all on its own along with my 8150 after about 4 hours of use.
Also, as a little back story. My first ASUS board I bought back 2010 was DOA, I RMA'd the board just to recieve another DOA, and yes my 3rd one was also DOA. You would think I was doing something wrong at that point, so I took it to frys and they gave me a gigabyte board, worked like a charm, and the tech at frys told me to not use ASUS, great product when it works, if you get one that works. And with my luck I decide to buy a new one that lasted me 4 hours.
Yes I know how to browse YouTube, I just didnt spend a lot of time looking.
Either you're a magnet for DOA hardware (happens), Frys plays football/soccer with their hardware before putting in on the shelf (my friend got 3x DOA HD7870 in a row from Frys), or you're not overclocking properly. You take your pick(s), but I'm leaning towards user error. I have had a dead board kill a CPU before, but yet again that wasn't the CPUs fault though, user error, I RMA'd the CPU and got a new board and everything worked fine.
There is a search button on their channels videos list, if you had clicked that and searched "FX8350" you would have found those two video links that I provided would have been first in the results. Doesn't take any time at all, as Logan says, I have no sympathy for the lazy.
I am not lazy I am just very busy ;)
Also, I purchase everything through newegg, so I have the option to RMA through them. I probably was doing something wrong when installing those 3 ASUS boards, after my 3rd board I then went to frys out of frustration. Again, the only thing I ever over clocked on was my Gigabyte board and never had any issues there, (just got a little hot ~60c in prime95 so I backed down). I have never over clocked using an ASUS board, I am unfimilair with the UEFI.