[Logan] Razer Soundbar/Others

Do you have any plans to review the razer soundbar, or other soundbars?

the internet told me all soundbars are inherently bad were they right?

I would be surprised to see Logan review these, although he did just do those small speakers. I honestly would rather see him do products from places other than Razer, there will be a million of these reviews out there. I like how TS does products that you don't normally see reviews for. 

Wouldn't hurt honestly, what if all those reviews were biased and misinformed?  It would be nice to see more videos covering more types of speakers for Gaming PC's.  Logan does tons of headphone reviews why not speakers?

I would say get real speakers over a "gaming speaker"  a receiver with speakers or sound bar since you will get much more power from a dedicated receiver over some vodoo magic the razer does. Not to mention the razor doesn't get low enough it only goes to 40 hz which no where what a real subwoofer can get to

I didn't mean "gaming" speakers per se, but speaker set ups for our gaming rigs, studio rigs etc.  I don't know how many times I look online only to find myself in some forum where the discussion turns into some sort of snarky opinionfest.  It would be nice to see Logan review more speakers. 

The problem with soundbars are typically there height, or lack thereof. If you want a speaker to play down low half decently you'll probably need a 5 inch or larger speaker, but soundbars will typically have 2 1/2 to 3 inch speakers max. A 2.1 system should pull up the low end quite a bit compared to a soundbar with subwoofer.
