Hello Logan.
The other day I was listening to the new zweihander album (love it by the way I think it's much better than Ear Slayer) and was admiring the album art, I then proceeded to look at my blank wall, then back at the art work.
I thought that the artwork would go very well in a frame I just bought (70cm X 100cm) from ikea whilst shopping for meatballs and loganberry jam and I was wondering weather the artwork will ever be available in poster (or print) form, this would, of course depend on many factors including the resolution of the original image etc..
If you do put them into production it would make my day and probably some other people might buy it as well.
Have a pleasant day.
P.S: Just realized that it's ligonberry jam and not loganberry jam as I remembered.. logan should produce his own jam brand.
TL;DL Make album art poster and I will buy it thank you. Also make jam.