Logan predicts the future of FPS and other games like it


Just watching this video makes me sad.

The gaming industry makes me sad...

Think you are guys are really missing the point here.

How much did half life 1 get in sales? Gaming industry has exploded. Consoles are made for 90% of new gamers. Black ops was made for consoles and therefore 90% of new gamers. Games never made this much cash before and thats because there were faw fewer gamers.

Lets be realistic. Its not the industry thats "sad" its the next generation consumer. And I presume our generation of gamers are still buying games we want to play. Of which there are still more than there were 15 years ago.

Lets not be dramatic.

Don't marginalize my emotions.

My bad...  

Its not just FPS. 

Witcher 1 was awesome. Got witcher 2 and tossed it after about 1 hour. Brawling uses ASDW ffs ? WHAT. Bloody consoles.

Dragon age rocked. Got DA2 and it was like playing on a railway line with zones porting you into town then out to a one way path to follow and do quest then port back to town. Rinse and repeat. Gave up on that too.


I agree with you with the Witcher series. I still think 2 is a good game and it's worth sticking with it, but yes, it has unfortunately become a very consolized franchise.

I will be honest. i LOVED Black Ops 1..... but that was the last good COD. i will NOT be getting the new one. i WILL however be picking up Destiny on Tuesday. i LOVED the beta. 

i never even played single player CoD except MW2 when i had no internet for 2 days. Competitive multiplayer FPS games should NOT have a campaign/story mode. so stupid. Destiny does a good job to combine both, because it is kind of both at the same time? idk, Destiny is weird and new to me lol. i like it. 

i mean, if you are a story/1player based game, i get it (fallout, MEtro, etc.) but no one buys CoD or BF for the 1 player. all that money thrown at something 1% of the people buying it will even care about. i mean, how much do you think they had to pay to get kevin spacey (great actor) in the campaign? probably more than the ENTIRE budget of the upcoming game Toxxik (which looks sick) probably multiple times their budget lol

most sequels suck. there are exceptions to the rule, both in film and in video games, but that is the general idea.

i think at lot of gamers from my generation appreciate a learning curve and skill. there is pleasure in struggling to overcome and obstacle and achieving success. that's what made at lot of classic games so entertaining. it's why street fighter 2 and CS:GO were such great games. The same goes for Age of Empires and such.

it's a similar pleasure to that which comes from reading a book with difficult concepts, learning how to serve in tennis or solving maths problems. it's a reason why these games were so immersive and rewarding to play.

you can't get that when a game holds your hand too much.

Consoles are built for plug and play gaming. Lets stop trying to make it something its not.

Gears of war had a great campaighn, I loved going through it with buddies as well. as far as shooters go, It had a great story. (I know GOW is not a FPS but a TPS) I personally, do not like multiplayer, it to me is becoming another form of always on.  That is why I liked the RPGs like Mass effect and skyrim and fallout 3. I game to get AWAY from people whom my job revolves around.  As far as hand holding goes, don't omit it, just make it an option you can turn off.   and I personally know people who complain about games hand holding ALSO bitch when the game does absolute crap of a job telling you what to do and what does what.   If anything, we should be bitching about the option to have it or not instead of telling devs which one of two ways it needs to be

Any cultural "endeavour" that targets the masses has to cater to the lowest common denominator. If your taste is sophisticated, stay away it's not for you. It's as simple as that.

I feel that complaining about  call of field or battleduty is like complaining about the lack of "philosophical deepness" in small talk.

Look at sky i think i see some existentialist rain-clouds forming, i think we're going see rain-drops hurling them self’s into the deep, in an act of extraordinary self sacrifice, that preserves the circle of life.