Is Logan a hipster? I been thinking of this for some time..
Not as much as you are
No hes not, that would be to main stream.
Nah, he's not a hipster. if he were he'd use an ALL AMD system... because Intel and Nvidia are TOO mainstream..
a hipster in what sense, anyone could be one if ur specific enough
Pfft amd... I only use ppc thanks.
I use both, although Mechwarrior Online favors strong single-threaded performance.
Just stop OP.
How to be a pc master race hipster:
-Matrox GPU
-laser projection keyboard
-you want to be seen as a hipster
So, he is cool but not a hipster.
Idk when you saw logan drinking starbucks and typing away on his blog via a MacBook pro, but I've never seen that happen...
dont you know thats mainstream nowadays
Even being a hipster is mainstream nowadays
we could do what no one does and be normal lol
Solved, we can close the case.
I want to think that this is a joke, but there probably is a guy out there just like this.
maybe in portland
AMD? Still too mainstream. Real hipsters run overcloed Cyrix MII's.