Logan - Do you guys still use Model Ms?

I saw your Model M video from a few years back, and I am just wondering if you still use a Model M for anything, seeing as right now on the show you are using one of the Corsair RGB keyboards.

Logan from what is seen on the TEK and a few videos he uses either a

  • Corsair K65 RGB - (I believe these only exist with red switches)
  • WASD Custom Keyboard

Pistol uses either a

Modified CM Storm Quickfire XT [I believe it is this keyboard, i do know for a fact its a Cooler-master Keyboard] - (Green Switches)

WASD Custom Keyboard

Wendell, who has stated he hasn't bought a keyboard since the 80s he stated he uses

  • Model M Keyboard

Logan let me borrow a CM Storm quickfire stealth. I still use it occasionally and for videos. I used it until I wore the keys shiny. The click is satisfying, but it is no model M ;) I like that it is possible to get aluminum keycaps for this CM Storm keyboard, though. I think that a model M with the sexy low-profile bezel is just about the best keyboard one could possibly wish for. With a couple extra super/meta/etc keys. 

I have 3 like these (non blue keys version) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pristine-IBM-Industrial-Gray-SSK-Space-Saving-Keyboard-Model-M-1395682-/221636063946?pt=US_Vintage_Computing_Parts_Accessories&hash=item339a89f2ca 

they are my favorite, by far. I have one black model M manufactured by maxiswitch, a japanese model M and a largish collection of new-in-box and refurb model Ms. I might have horded for paranoia of not being able to get one in 10 more years. haha.

I gave Logan one of my black maxiswitch model Ms and he still uses that on.. some computer.. somewhere. 

i learned typing my first words in school on a model M lol.

They should be a museum piece of art lol ☺

lol I can keep my eyes out for one, if you want one. They are just so amazing. I had a chance to buy an M15 for $150 about 10 years ago and I passed. I wish I had not been so dumb, lol. 



I have one Model F.. somewhere.. haven't seen in in a while though. 

ps. IBM really REALLY knew how to make keyboards. I have one of these: 


  an IBM PS/2 L40SX laptop.

The keyboard on that is also a very satisfying typing experience. It's a kind of rubber dome, too, surprisingly but it feels better than any other rubber dome I've used.. feels like the non-clicky cherry MX keys, actually. 


Your videos are not showing up btw

I need this!

Showing fine for me.

Yeah they are realy great. I definitely want one someday lol.

The feel of the mechanical keys was great, also the noice wenn typing was such fun lol.

To bad that such kind of rock sollid keyboard arent made anymore lol. That erchonomic Model M15 looks epic.

was broken before, it has been fixed.