Looking up hardware about this imac I picked up and out of the corner of my eye I see the gotee and think "Thats frickin logan what're you doin in there"
Looking up hardware about this imac I picked up and out of the corner of my eye I see the gotee and think "Thats frickin logan what're you doin in there"
This comes up every few weeks it seems. We all know that he used to make videos for tiger direct.
It's actually hilarious because I've been following Logan unintentionally, by looking up gpu reviews or hardware reviews, and at that time (2008 or so), he was the big player and reviewer.
It's really weird. I feel like I know Logan in another life or something.
Thinking about it, I've been watching his vids for 10 years and he doesn't even know me. Boy, is that fricken strange, cuz I feel like I know that dude so much.
If this was my first experience with Logan ever....I probably wouldn't be subscribed....
The first time I ever watched The Tek I though.....that guy seems familiar. Then one day I realized he was the guy I remember seeing on those tiger direct commercials......Weird.