So I want to animate, but I can't afford a $2,000 Cintiq tablet. But, I saw some guy on a forum post that he created a DIY Cintiq for only about $300. I am no good with electronic DIY projects. I am very inexperienced. So I am coming to you guys! I know you and Windell are very knowledgable about all around tech and electronics things, so I was wondering if you could figure out how to do this for me. This is a big favor and would very much appreciate it.
I am coming to you guys because I saw your DIY case mod which was very cool. I had the same idea, but had no idea how to execute it. I looked on forums and everyone told me it can't happen and blah blah. So, once again, please help me out. This would save me so much time working my ass off and slowly saving up 2 grand, as I am a highschool student getting low amount of hours.
P.S : I have a wacom bamboo tablet that I purchased for $60 bucks, and its just not cutting it. Also here is the youtube link of the DIY guy.
Okay then I have good news, this has already been done, but it isn't fully finished. First off you can make a touch screen, but the bad news from your description you yourself might not be able to do this. There are multiple ways I have approached the touch screen situation. The first way is a little cheap but it works, and was my personal favorite tell you brought this up. The result of the second one is exactly what you are looking for I believe. The second one will cost a little more, but the results should be just as good if not better.
The first method uses sensors and infrared
Long story short you are using a webcam like the pseye to catch infrared reflections off of a hand made table that uses infrared beams.
You will NEED to be comfortable with digging through the lense of a camera to make this work. Here is a link to a great example of this in a tutorial (middle click the link with the mouse wheel to open in a new tab, or just click it). You can stop all hardware mods at page 3, and continue on at page 5 unless you want to make a projector. This is by far the easiest, but it isn't a tablet.
The second will require a wacon/competitor tablet and a monitor of the same or similar size to work. This series of videos will take you most of the way there, but you will need to account for a smaller monitor. You can get/build this monitor using their case mod monitor since it will be an appropriate size here, and then hit it with some shelac so the stylus doesn't scratch it up. Also make sure you get a tablet where the working area is almost, if not as big as the actual monitor. From other videos\schematics similar to the one you shown that's what he is doing.
I hope this helps you out in any bit while you wait for a formal response from the face and the voice.