Logan and Wendell: Politics?

Not sure if this was asked before because i'm new to the threads but a long time viewer. I was wondering if Logan or Wendell (or both) ever thought about doing something about these problems we have in (American) politics by running for office themselves. I ask this because they've told the viewers to get involved in politics and to run for office a decent number of times yet they haven't (to the best of my knowledge) ran for office themselves.
I'm sure if we got the entire gaming/YouTube community to back them up (optimistic view, i know), they would certainly gain traction and news outlets would have to report on this causing more publicity and supporters.

Also a lot of us are not from US, so we could not vote for them even if we wanted.

Im pretty sure there are current parties in the US that align with sensible policies that could use support already, you just dont hear about them. Ive literally only heard of one other and that was on stallman.org (the green party)