I had an idea for a donation thing at my local library. I have a lot of laptops I can put ubuntu on or bodhi (any linux really) and have them set.
The idea is that if someone needs a laptop they can come and get one for free. The only payment that they need to make is to learn the basics of the system they choose. I would optimally give them that choice because this would tie in to linux classes that are also at the library.
This would be good for people who do their taxes through the mail still or for a kid going into high school or college.
I needed a laptop in high school because I can't write as fast as I can type (70 WPM+) and writing was never fast for me. Something in my head makes writing way too slow of an option and I can never keep up. Get a laptop, throw in ubuntu mate and abiword and slam on the gas.
What do you guys think?