Hey guys. Im not really sure what to called this forum topic because I have no idea how to do what I'm about to explain. So in the website I'm making at the moment for a friend, he wants a 'upcoming' link in the navigation bar what has the name of the very next event which is in the calendar. So for example the website has a page which will contain a list of upcoming events, as the days go on and events become erelivent the text in the navigation bar changes to the next event and updates the link automatically. How could I make this possible?
Hi there NobblyBobbly.
You should really of posted this in the Coding area but here is fine I guess :)
Your best bet is to find a PHP script (or make your own) which can grab a value from a database (Most likely MySQL) (or some other means of storage) which your friend can update manually. You should try Googling around for more help on this or post back here in the Coding area for furthur help.
Good luck and have fun!