Litecoin miner accused of laundering

So a man in the city of Tilburg The netherlands has been arrested and accused of laundering. The story currently is that this man had an illegal power tap, powering 24 litecoin rigs. 

In stead of charging him with the illegal power tap they seized all his rigs and car, because he was running an "illegal coin mining operation" and creating Fake bitcoins. 

My question is What just happend here? Is the dutch goverment jumping on the demonizing crypto currency band wagon or are they just that ignorante? 

Admitantly the man deserves his sentence for the illegal power tap but why have all his rigs and car been seized because he is not getting them back, atleast not anytime soon. 

It seems to me that the OM*Openbaar ministerie* is activly trying to screw this guy because there's crypto currency involved.


Whats your opinion guys is producing Litecoin on stolen power plausible as laundering money?


For the dutch readers source:

creating fake bitcoins? no...

illegal coin mining? "illegal power tap for coin mining" is a better way of wording this.

stealing power? yes

deserved getting this? maybe. I see using an illegal power tap as stealing from the community, because people doing so are using power that the power company thinks is "lost in the power net" and tries to calculate in for trough other means (rising energy cost). 

my first thought: WHAT THE HELL does his car have to do with anything...

second thought: article title = bitcoin, actual currency = litecoin.