Litecoin and Mt. Gox

This month LTC is going to Mt. Gox, but what does this mean for LTC? I'm sure it will skyrocket the price, but how high? What do you guys(and girls) think of Mt. Gox adding LTC to their exchange?

it will go on sale, price will spike with initial buyers, then settle back down. if i had to guess, 5 dollars or so within a month of launch.

I'm gonna dump the btc into them then sell again.

Good luck! If you do it at the right time you can walk away with some serious profit!

Im hoping it can get to five, show me my MONAYYYY.

Can't wait for the spike, but it sucks the difficuly will most likely spike with the introduction of Mt. Gox :p

Does anyone know when ltc is going to go live on Mt Gox?

From what I've read it doesn't have a set date, just sometime this month.

ballzz.. Is there a way to bypass the sending ID and your foot size to get the coins - I'm in the process of exchanging my ID cause it expired and afraid I will not make it in time :(

If there is someone who could kindly assist in the endeavour it would be peachy ;)

edit: ok got it - used bitcurex if anyone is interested - seems to be working at least to this point

counting on a big hype on mtgox :D

so... it was suposed to be the 10th... but thats when the market freaked out and mtgox shut down for a bit, so idk....

the only thing thats conferming it will be on there eventually is that it was added to their api ticker.


imo, litecoin comes out, huge spike in ltc price, btc price drops a tiny bit, then litecoin price shoots back down. try to sell ltc high when btc is still low.

Okay, I'm looking into investing some $$$ into LTC now, not a lot, just my leftovers from taxes.  What's teh best way to pump right now? Bitinstant to my wallet then BTC-e to convert to LTC and then back to BTC when I wanna dump?

Temporarily Delayed. Sry guys :( Keep mining before the difficulty skyrockets!