Hey guys, I'm setting up my reservoir and pump and I was wondering if this loop would be ok, it bends a little but my point of concern is the flow. It's very slightly higher than where it connects to reservoir. My theory is it will pull fine once full as long as I make sure some liquid gets to the pump before powering it up.
GUYS HELP :( I don't want to burn my pump out!
it's best for the pump to be below the res, that way it always has liquid in it.... otherwise you gotta prime it somehow... this should work as long as the res level doesn't get too low
Ok thanks' my plan was to before I connect the tube to the top of pump was filling my reservoir through the pump or just putting some liquid in the pump then filling from the top of the front bay reservoir.
well, I would see if any of the guys here who have actually done liquid cooling have anything to say before you install...
ok, so now I guess I play the waiting game and see if anyone comments. If someone does another question is if I add a water block to my loop later, do you think I can run it all off that D5 pump. Keep in mind I have it set up so all my lines are as short as possible. If not could I just add an additional pump at the bottom of the case then send the loop back up into the reservoir?
yes you can add another pump. Infact I recommend it, having two pumps in serial is a much safer way to watercool. If one of the pumps fails, you still have some flow vs non at all. I wouldnt run a Res lower then a pump or at the same level even. It can cause air to get in the lines, causing wear on your pump. As previously stated if you keep your levels high, then in theory it can do it. But I personally would not recommend it. I believe a D5 pump is pretty good. Should be able to get a triple rad, with a cpu and gpu block with it I would think.
Key rule is always keep the pump below the reservoir. As for the pump if you are running a 240 rad with a cpu and gpu block one D5 will be very sufficient. Now if you are running a CPU block, 2 GPU blocks, and 360mm rad you might consider, but not necessarily need another pump. Also if the aforementioned loop grows by another 120mm rad and block then I would most likely get another pump. Hope this helps.
That helped sir! I'm using a 240 rad mounted at the top of the corsiar 500r case. My only issue is that's about all I can do in terms of the pump unless I want to run an insane amount of tubing to the bottom of case and then back up to the rad, it's close to level and I think if I just make sure there's liquid in the pump before starting I should be ok?
The pump being at the level of the res is risky, but keeping the liquid levels high in the res while filling and running will work fine if you are careful to not get air pulled into the pump. (Just to note the longer loop addition you would add, prob like 2 ft, to the bottom of the case wouldn't hurt the flow/pressure all that much and many modders do it this way with a loop similar to yours.) If your confident you won't bleed too much air into the line then go ahead with the first scenario.
Well here's a picture of my case, I took the bottom hard drive cage out, figure'd maybe just run the line from the front bay reservoir (in the bottom two bay slots) straight down to that open space under the hard drive cages. Then run it out of the pump and back up the to very top of case where the rad is? Seems like a lot of extra tubbing now in the loop. I don't know how confident I am in not burning out the pump either haha that's why I came here :(
You can do that or leave the pump connected to the res like in the first post picture, either way performance won't be affected very much at all. I'd personally keep the pump next to the res and be very careful bleeing/filling the loop. Look at how to bleed and fill a system, Linus does a good job explaining these things skip to about 12:20 in the video.
haha, ok thanks for your opinion sir!, yeah I watched his video's, I've actually chatted with Linus a few times, he is going to post my system on his facebook when I finish it next week. Add him on facebook and keep a look out! He's a supper nice guy.
Your rig with a water cooled system would look crisp as hell with some nice single cable sleeving of a black and blue scheme, just something to think about. Anyway best of luck on your build and congrats on being featured on Linus's facebook page.
haha I've actually added 24/8 pin extinsons and a window I installed myself in the 500R, I'm not 100% done thinking about cutting another one to get a slighty better fit, it was my first time using a dremel. I'll add pictures when I'm completely finished, and as fair as the single cable sleeving, I would like to sleeve (braid) the whole powersupply one day just to learn how to do it well and have some fun. In the mean time here's what it looks like right now. In the above picture of the guys I actually painted the blue accents you see inside the case :D ohh and thanks!