, a neat site to learn about linux / terminal

I just wanted to share this site; it's a fantastic resource for two reasons — the content is excellent (concise and practical) and the delivery (website UI/navigation) makes it so, so simple to peruse. Seriously. Check out this page from the beginner section for example:

The terminal commands are easy to understand, and you can learn how to use these simple commands in under a minute. It's been a hell of a lot better than googling for books, reading forums and whatever else for me so far. Maybe this is a commonly reposted site; if so, my bad. If not, enjoy.


I forgot about this site. Happystance; I just got out of surgery and am off work for the next 2 weeks....time to peruse.

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Thanks for sharing, I'm only interested in the OpenStack courses for now, but the DevOps section looks appealing as well. Is anyone following some of the OpenStack courses? If so how do you find them?