LinuxForYou is Ditching Google

@Necronomicon I perused through the settings a bit, but I couldn’t seem to find an option to disable the animation.

Thanks for suggesting OpenBoard . I’ve just installed it and so far it seems like it could be a solid replacement.

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It’s in “User Interface → Keyboard Effects & Experience → Animations”, in case you still want to give it a try.

I will be testing that hypothesis in around 2 months (and no Linux phone alternative cheats).

I wish I could get my hands on a FairPhone 3, but they aren’t sold in the US. Sustainably made, repairable, and running e/OS


I have ProtonMail, but just the free version. How much storage does the paid version get you? I have about 12GB of Google storage tied up in email…

The lowest paid tier gets you 5GB.

Visionary is 20GB, and also includes ProtonVPN, ProtonCalendar, ProtonDrive (shared with mail storage), and beta features access. And they’re supposed to expand the storage limit once ProtonDrive is fully launched.

I have a Pixel 4a and a Pixel 5 on CalyxOS and it’s a great experience. I would call it a mix of LineageOS for microG and GrapheneOS. If I can’t lock the bootloader I don’t use it anymore. GrapheneOS and CalyxOS have that locked down.

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I looked in to grapheneOS for my pixel 2xl which I got nearly brand new… They’ve already dropped support form their already limited device list and now I’m stuck with magisk mods to get microg working which requires an unlocked bootloader.

Also viper4android, still is uncontested and really hard for me to give up the magisk module since I listen to music all the time (48000 sampling rate vs android vanilla 42000)

IMO the bootloader system for android is flawed, proper design would allow for root commands without compromising the security of the kernel

GrapheneOS is a good recommendation, as well as CalyxOS. CalyxOS has support for microg, if that is an option for you. LineageOS is also well supported and mature.

The pixel phones are actually set up very well for leaving google, from a hardware perspective. They get monthly updates and the bootloader is unlockable, so you can put your own OS on there.

Seconding. I have a CalyxOS 4a and it’s highly usable. Speedy patches and a great value add over base AOSP.
It’s high quality and easy enough my wife can use it too on her 4a.

yep. just run into an age gate on youtube today for the first time… they had the cheek to ask for credit card or photo id to verify my age… ERM! with all the data they gather and sell that they claim is anonymised… oh wait let me just add my credit details to the list of shit they can sell. :frowning: no thanks.

oh its to stop inappropriate content for kids…
?? the other day i saw a blokes talking and demonstrating fisting and there was no age gate on that content and still isnt.
so what exactly are they trying to do?.
coz it aint protecting the kids.


grapheneOS is supposed to not work with anything Google, including microG (which I understand is a re-written Google Services for Android, but without Google). If you want microG, as others recommended, go with CalyxOS or Lineage. Use graphene if you are prepared to basically only use F-Droid. Which should be doable, but by that time, if you don’t have at least 2 or 3 programs from the Google Play store, then you are better off without a smartphone, or at most a Linux (non-Android) phone.

@Biky I highly disagree.

Like I said, grapheneOS has already dropped support for the Pixel 2XL.

You need microG to get location to work on android without google services, grapheneOS or not.

I already use my own customized de-googled lineageOS with a properly working microG for GPS functionality.

I also don’t use a single google app. What you said honestly rubs me the wrong way; you’re saying nobody should use an android phone if they don’t use at least 3 google apps?! I use none, and have found open source apps on F-Droid for everything I need to do and they’re far better than any ad-ridden spyware from google play (and I am a power user, I use my phone for many, many things).

GrapheneOS is a good proof of concept, but until they expand their support I don’t see the project taking off really, since you can achieve the same results with terminal commands post-install on LineageOS

MicroG isn’t a rewritten google services. It’s an open source implementation of all the libraries that android requires to get location working, and apps that still depend on google libraries. This includes the network location provider back end, and WiFi scan back end. All open source. The only thing microG has that optionally ties to google is the google cloud messaging api call, which is off by default, and stripped of any personal info if you do decide to turn it on.

In other words it’s filling a gap and lack of functionality with open source code that does the same thing as google play but better.

Also; as for the Linux phones, I’ve looked at all the recent ones and they’re extremely overpriced for their sub-2013 era hardware. I get that its open source firmware, but I’m honestly surprised at how underpowered they are for the price ($800+). I wouldn’t recommend anyone who seriously uses and relies on their phone opt for that route. Just get a de-googled galaxy phone from /e/, its shipped with microG and a locked bootloader.