In linux I primary use Lutris with drm-free games. I’m wondering if anyone knows anything about running multiple windows in the same wine instance.
My current issue is with Baldur’s Gate 3 using a script extender
In windows 11 when I launch bg3 it boots a second window console. The two main files booting the console is a .dll and json file.
inside the json file is
"CreateConsole": true
A second window console boots alongside bg3 in windows 11 just fine.
In linux using lutris i’m using wine virutal desktop which is no longer supported, but it stills works.
I’m using virtual desktop so I can see if the console window loads.
I’m using a wine dll override
Unfortunately the console isn’t showing up, but BG3 is running fine and all the mods are working.
One thing I’ve done is the past that has worked for opening multiple windows in a single wine instance is that I would add two separate lutris games.
One would be the game I’m booting and the other would be Cheat Engine.
I would set both .exe’s to launch from the same wine prefix. This has always work where I could have two windows up and utilize cheat engine on the game I’m playing.
Does anyone have Idea’s on how you might get BG3 console to appear alongside BG3 in Linux?