I have gigabit internet. I have all traffic running through my server which is connected to NordVPN and running CentOS.
With Nordlynx I an get about 500mbit through the VPN. This seems to be either a protocol limit or NordVPN server limit rather than hardware as I get the same speed on my desktop (while the vpn on the server is turned off) which is running a Threadripper 1950x and there is no maxed out CPU core.
I’d like to be able to max out the connection if possible. Is there a way I can run two VPN instances, and then route network traffic through the least busy? So if one PC on the network is downloading a Steam game, using up the 500mbit made available by the VPN and another download is started on the same pc or another pc on the network, it routes it through the second VPN connection?
That way I can run two ~500mbit connections at the same time. I can’t have one single gigabit connection to any single service, but I can have two 500mbit ones in theory…
It kind of looks like this might be possible with pfsense ( https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/multiwan/index.html) so I’d imagine some kind of manual configuration is possible.
Firstly, is this possible? Secondly, if so, I’ll need to work out how to run two instances of the nordvpn application (I can run two different instances in docker, but I’m not sure how I’d be able to connect to them to begin with)