Linux, Rockbox, and Scrobbling

In Windows, I used Rock Scrobbler to submit scrobbles from my Rockboxed iPod. As soon as my iPod was connected, this would happen automatically without any interaction. Running Rock Scrobbler under WINE works, but I have to select manual scrobble and open the log file. Clearly, WINE is seeing the device and making it accessible to the program, but is there anything I can do to make Rock Scrobbler see that a device has been inserted and scan for the scrobbler log?

I’m open to Linux-native alternatives, but the only two scrobbling utilities listed on the Rockbox wiki page that support Protocol 2.0 are for Windows.

There may be a feature that Rock Scrobbler needs that does not exist in Wine.

So you may be able to try RhythmBox if you are using Gnome on your Distro. It has the ability to read and mount audio players. There is a scrobbler plugin as well. I don’t know if it will auto upload the scrobbles on the player though. (I use a phone and a MiniDisc player.)