Linux Phone Hub

Dear PinePhone Patron,

We have over sold the 2GB/16GB PostmarketOS CE PinePhone. If you are interested of upgrading to the 3GB/32GB/Dock PostmarketOS CE PinePhone please response before 9/17/20. Orders will be upgraded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Upgrading to the 3GB/32GB/Dock PostmarketOS CE PinePhone Convergence Package will cost an additional $50. If you choose to upgrade, please pay the additional $50 when received request money from PayPal.

Winning? I paid the $50 lol


Dang, that’s quite a deal.

Not sure how you oversell though

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Yeah I thought that was weird. Hopefully this is good news and FOSS Fones catch on

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I’m curious to see their sales numbers. Maybe I’ll ask in the irc if they’re willing to share.

Edit: from the newsletter they put out today:

We have been fortunate to welcome many new members into our ranks over the past 30 days. This is in large part due to the continued interest in the Pinebook Pro and PineTab, which have just shipped, as well as the ongoing massive demand for the PinePhone. By my estimate, come December we will have shipped more PinePhones than OpenMoko and the original Ubuntu Touch smartphones … combined. Let this sink in for a minute.

Damn. That’s fucking wild.


I applaud their work. The community is great. I fried my RockPRO64 and the forums helped me get it working again.




I placed my order today. Should be among the first Manjaro Edition recipients. :slight_smile:


"Due to the nature of the attacks we’ve reviewed, we do not suspect that customer information was a target, nor we expect any was exfiltrated. "

Their Wordpress site got script kiddied. They fix.


I hated this in the past, I preferred Antergos. Then I just started installing Arch like a big throatbeard. Top dog. Mom brings me mint chocolate chip milkshakes when I want. Anyway…

Time went on, and I decided to try Manjaro for whatever reason. They’ve come a long, long way :ok_hand: It’s the distro I’m recommending to people. Then Arch. Then Gentoo. Then Debian. Then I tell them Linux isn’t for them and they should use a superior operating system:

Do you use NVIDIA?

     Yes   No
    /        \
FreeBSD     OpenBSD
   |           |
   \          /
    \        /
     |      |
   Use Your Computer

What’s the secret to getting this to turn on?

I finished the installer and now nothing happens.

Never mind, I guess it just takes 5 minutes.

Never mind again. It’s not charging.


There’s a clear piece of plastic between the battery’s contacts.



Thank you

Found the killswitches too


Gone are the days, huh?


I hadn’t activated my Mint SIM yet, and they nagged reminded me that they expire after 45 days. So today I plugged in a working SIM and…

SMS works. By default, it’s handled by the Purism “Chats” app.

Chats Preferences


This is really interesting stuff.
Now we need this being compatible with other devices like car head units.


Baby steps. :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha well yeah… :stuck_out_tongue:

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There’s a known issue with the latest build. First boot everything fails miserably. Wifi won’t connect, inputs get stuck in a “please try again” loop.

Second boot works much better. Wifi works then and you can update things. After that, the apps mostly work.

The keyboard might be my favorite one so far. Not as responsive as Sxmo, but faster than the one that comes with Phosh.

There’s almost no Pinephone specific polish except for the Pine logo splash screen from the latest update. Some features don’t work. Notably, pressing Power + Volume Down to take a screenshot; apparently the hardware doesn’t permit multikey press events (boo!) and no work arounds have been added to the image.

Morph browser loads. SIM is recognized and voicemail prompts pop up.

Libertine is prominent in the settings, but I have not played around with it at all yet.

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That happens on my oneplus 3 as well. Odd.

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I just put my daily sim in my PinePhone running Ubuntu. Let’s see how long I can do this.

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