Linux on android

First off. a couple of things. This is not a tutorial because every phone is different but feel free to use and modify my scripts to fit your needs. This is not my 1 year linux challenage post. I have something that should be a bit grander in mind than this.

I want to give HUGE thanks to the debian wiki people for making this post which basically did most of the work and guided me to the final solution. Now lets move onto the actual post.

This is my post about how i managed to integrate standard debian linux into a android system without tainting android in a way that makes it more broken and unusable. I have 2 files that help me do this. There is and file. File is called file cause i cant name shit has 2 main jobs. mount the sdcard and intagrate linux into root directory. it links /bin, /etc, /usr, and etc to the linux operating system stored on the sdcard. from this point you can do a couple of things like export PATH, HOME, and anything else you need and it 'should' work though i have not done much testing with this.

file is the main program. It sets up stuff like home, path and everything the programs need to run.

So far programs like apt-get, gcc, nano and that kind of stuff work. i have not done much work with gcc yet to see if it uses the bionic libs in android or the libs in the debian install but it will compile a hello world program correctly.

I will continue to update this post as it try more stuff out like ssh, xorg and all of that fun stuff.

Video of linux integrated into android


Great work, going to try this on my phone very soon.

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@wendell @FaunCB this might be something your interested in

I've been plotting out an arch core to develop for the LG LS970 and then making a normal core package creator and then making the rest just work on top of it. Mostly as a bit of fun, probably won't actually make it because I have not the time nor skill to.

Good work tho.

I got this working on my LG G5 H850 with a slight modification to the script. I have made a fork with the changes if anyone else wants to try this on the same device.

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I have managed to get ssh and proper user management working. Gonna modify /etc/passwd and /etc/group to include some of the users and groups from the android side of things. Sound is working sorta but thier is some issues im working out

Next thing im working on is getting X11 forwarding working

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