Linux monitor disconnect with KVM

I just got a KVM and I use it for one of two monitors on my linux machine and one monitor on my my windows machines. The problem is when I use the kvm to change the one monitor over from linux it acts like it was disconnected and tries to scale my display on the remaining monitor still connected to linux (anything full screen gets stretched out off the screen) and when I change back it overlaps the monitors and shows the same thing on both. Is there a way to keep linux from checking if the monitor was disconnected/reconnected?

edit: I think I have solved my problem with setting the second monitor to a different X screen and then using Xinerama. If any one has any other suggestions I gladly hear.

^ the above is what would have suggested.

I disabled active detection with xrandr:
gsettings set org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.xrandr active false

but I use Cinnamon. Syntax might be different for GNOME or whatever else you’re using. I think you can set the Hotplug events in xorg too, but that’s only for nvidia.

Some googling later:

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