Linux Mint Drive Format

My story is that I'm looking at installing a Linux Mint operating system onto one of my spare hard drives. I am wondering which file format should I use for the hard drive?

So far, I only have a hint as to Ext4/Ext5/JFS/XFS wpuld be used after reading a Yahoo Answer post.




use a flash drive, use the install thing linux mint has.

i personally make a 25 gig system partition, a 3 gig swap space, and then put all the other space in a partition in which i mount /home

for most people, 3 gig swap and the rest of their hdd with the mount point of /. format with ext4

I could tell you to use a certain one.... But I would rather you learn about them so you know what you are getting into.


You're trolling, right?

a 3 gig swap space

Rule of thumb: at least the size of your RAM.

Ext4 is always right if you don't need anything specific.

idk,I have an exFAT partition on my laptop

Rule of thumb: at least the size of your RAM

"At least" means that you might want to allocate more?

>have 8 gigs of ram,

>most people have more now...

>implying you will ever reach more than 8 gigs of ram usage.


i disabled my page file (swap space) in windows.... only reason i still have one in linux is because i can realocate the space quickly if i want to.

I only keep a minimal page file in windows (Set to the smallest and not dynamic) for error reporting and troubleshooting.  Other than that, 8GB is more than enough RAM to disable the page file completely.


This is a thinly veiled +1/I agree post.