Fresh install of Linux Mint 21 and Ryzen Controller is Unable to apply ryzenadj.
Works fine with Linux Mint 20.3
./ryzenadj --stapm-limit=25000 --fast-limit=25000 --slow-limit=25000 --tctl-temp=75
Got back
PCI Bus is not writeable, check secure boot
My bios doesn’t show secure boot active?
I’m dualing booting windows, not sure if an update could have done something, but I just check my bios.
This is happen on two systems, and only with Mint 21 not 20.3.
Check your bios and toggle it the other way?
Didn’t change anything.
I tried fresh install of mint 20.3 and mint 21 and the issue persists.
I have a temporary fix of copying my older RyzenAdj dir from my Linux Mint 20.3 installation which doesn’t make any sense.
I have tried installing ryzen controller on multiple new systems fedora 36, Linux Mint 20.3, Linux Mint 20.3 Edge and Linux Mint 21.
No system can properly run ryzen controller without me using my old RyzenAdj dir.
It’s as though you can’t currently build ryzen controller on any distro currently.
I’ve never seen something this wonky on a PC before.
A single dir can correct hardware and software working together and that dir doesn’t come from the internet, but from my own storage?